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- /* ================================ */
- /* Graphics Clip Macro Generator. */
- /* $VER: GfxMacroGen 3.1 (21.9.94) */
- /* ================================ */
- Options Results
- /* Get a list of all the selected objects. */
- i = 0
- FirstObject SELECTED
- IF ( Result = 0 ) THEN DO
- ShowMessage 1 1 '"No graphic objects are selected." "The graphic clip macro will not be generated." "" "OK" "" ""'
- DO WHILE ( Result ~= 0 )
- i = I + 1
- Object.i = Result
- NextObject Object.i SELECTED
- /* Get a filename to use */
- RequestText '"Graphic Clip" "Enter Graphic Clip Macro filename:" ""'
- IF ( RC ~= 0 ) THEN EXIT
- /* Make sure a filename is entered */
- filename = Result
- IF ( LENGTH(filename) = 0 ) THEN DO
- ShowMessage 1 1 '"You did not enter a filename." "The graphic clip macro will not be generated." "" "OK" "" ""'
- /* Does the file already exist? */
- IF ( EXISTS(filename) ) THEN DO
- firstLine = '"The file <' || filename || '> already exists."'
- secondLine = '"Do you want to replace it?"'
- ShowMessage 2 1 firstLine secondLine '"" "Yes" "No" ""'
- IF ( Result = 2 ) THEN EXIT
- /* What is the page height we are working with? */
- GetPageSetup HEIGHT
- pageHt = Result
- /* Open the file. */
- IF ( OPEN('GfxClipFile', filename, 'Write') ) THEN DO
- /* File is opened. */
- /* Write the file header stuff */
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '/* ------------------------ */')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '/* Final Writer Arexx Macro */')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '/* Graphics Clip Macro */')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '/* ------------------------ */')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'Options Results')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'SetMeasure MICROPOINTS')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'page = 1')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'numobjs = 0')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'Status SCROLLPOS')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'PARSE VAR Result XPos YPos')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '')
- /* ----------------------------------------------- */
- /* For each object, determine the coordinates and */
- /* find the minimum x and y values to use to */
- /* normalize the coordinatess. */
- /* ----------------------------------------------- */
- x = 0
- DO WHILE ( x < i )
- x = x + 1
- GetObjectType Object.x
- objtype.x = Result
- /* Before getting the coordinates un-rotate the object */
- GetObjectRotation Object.x
- objRotate.x = Result
- IF ( objRotate.x ~= 0 ) THEN
- SetObjectRotation Object.x 0
- /* Get the coordinates */
- GetObjectCoords Object.x
- PARSE VAR Result page.x x1.x y1.x x2.x y2.x
- /* If we un-rotated the object, rotate it back. */
- IF ( objRotate.x ~= 0 ) THEN
- SetObjectRotation Object.x objRotate.x
- /* Convert page and y value to a value from top of first page */
- y1.x = ((page.x - 1) * pageHt) + y1.x
- IF ( x = 1 ) THEN DO
- XNormalizer = x1.x
- YNormalizer = y1.x
- IF ( x1.x < XNormalizer ) THEN
- XNormalizer = x1.x
- IF ( y1.x < YNormalizer ) THEN
- YNormalizer = y1.x
- IF ( objtype.x = 2 | objtype.x = 3 ) THEN DO
- y2.x = ((page.x - 1) * pageHt) + y2.x
- IF ( x2.x < XNormalizer ) THEN
- XNormalizer = x2.x
- IF ( y2.x < YNormalizer ) THEN
- YNormalizer = y2.x
- /* Now normalize the coordinates */
- x = 0
- DO WHILE ( x < i )
- x = x + 1
- x1.x = x1.x - XNormalizer
- y1.x = y1.x - YNormalizer
- IF ( objtype.x = 2 | objtype.x = 3 ) THEN DO
- x2.x = x2.x - XNormalizer
- y2.x = y2.x - YNormalizer
- /* For each one of the graphic objects in our list */
- /* create AREXX code to redraw the object. */
- x = 0
- DO WHILE ( x < i )
- x = x + 1
- WHEN (objtype.x = 2 | objtype.x = 3) THEN DO
- /* -------------- */
- /* We have a Line */
- /* -------------- */
- modifier = ""
- if ( objtype.x = 3 ) THEN
- modifier = 'ARROW'
- /* Output the commands to calculate line's position. */
- commandLine = 'fromX =' x1.x '+ XPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- commandLine = 'toX =' x2.x '+ XPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- commandLine = 'fromY =' y1.x '+ YPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- commandLine = 'toY =' y2.x '+ YPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- /* Output the commands to draw the line. */
- commandLine = 'DrawLine page fromX fromY toX toY' modifier
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'objectid.numobjs = Result')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'numobjs = numobjs + 1');
- /* Output the commands to set the line's parameters. */
- PARSE VAR Result tf fd lw
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'TEXTFLOW' tf 'FLOWDIST' fd 'LINEWT' lw
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- /* The line color may contain spaces, so treat it separately. */
- GetObjectParams Object.x LINECOLOR
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'LINECOLOR' "'" || '"' || Result || '"' || "'"
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- WHEN (objtype.x = 4 | objtype.x = 5) THEN DO
- /* ------------- */
- /* We have a Box */
- /* ------------- */
- modifier = ""
- if (objtype.x = 5) THEN
- modifier = 'BEVEL'
- /* Output the command to draw the box. */
- commandLine = 'newX =' x1.x '+ XPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- commandLine = 'newY =' y1.x '+ YPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- commandLine = 'DrawBox page newX newY' x2.x y2.x modifier
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'objectid.numobjs = Result');
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'numobjs = numobjs + 1');
- /* Output the commands to set the box's parameters. */
- PARSE VAR Result tf fd lw fl
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'TEXTFLOW' tf 'FLOWDIST' fd 'LINEWT' lw 'FILL' fl
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- /* The line and fill colors may contain spaces, so treat them separately. */
- GetObjectParams Object.x LINECOLOR
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'LINECOLOR' "'" || '"' || Result || '"' || "'"
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- GetObjectParams Object.x FILLCOLOR
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'FILLCOLOR' "'" || '"' || Result || '"' || "'"
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- WHEN (objtype.x = 6 | objtype.x = 9) THEN DO
- /* ------------------------- */
- /* We have an Oval or an Arc */
- /* ------------------------- */
- modifier = ""
- if (objtype.x = 9) THEN
- modifier = 'ARC'
- /* Output the command to draw the oval. */
- commandLine = 'newX =' x1.x '+ XPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- commandLine = 'newY =' y1.x '+ YPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- commandLine = 'DrawOval page newX newY' x2.x y2.x modifier
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'objectid.numobjs = Result');
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'numobjs = numobjs + 1');
- /* Output the commands to set the oval's parameters. */
- PARSE VAR Result tf fd lw fl
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'TEXTFLOW' tf 'FLOWDIST' fd 'LINEWT' lw 'FILL' fl
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- /* The line and fill colors may contain spaces, so treat them separately. */
- GetObjectParams Object.x LINECOLOR
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'LINECOLOR' "'" || '"' || Result || '"' || "'"
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- GetObjectParams Object.x FILLCOLOR
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'FILLCOLOR' "'" || '"' || Result || '"' || "'"
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- WHEN (objtype.x = 7) THEN DO
- /* ------------------- */
- /* We have a TextBlock */
- /* ------------------- */
- /* Output the command to draw the textblock. */
- commandLine = 'newX =' x1.x '+ XPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- commandLine = 'newY =' y1.x '+ YPos'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandline)
- GetTextBlockText Object.x
- text = Result
- commandLine = 'DrawTextBlock page newX newY' '"' || text || '"'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'objectid.numobjs = Result');
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'numobjs = numobjs + 1');
- /* Output the commands to set the textblock's parameters. */
- GetObjectParams Object.x TEXTFLOW FLOWDIST
- PARSE VAR Result tf fd
- commandLine = 'SetObjectParams 0' 'TEXTFLOW' tf 'FLOWDIST' fd
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- /* Output the commands to set the textblock's typespecs. */
- GetObjectTypeSpecs Object.x SIZE LEADING WIDTH OBLIQUE
- PARSE VAR Result sz ld wd ob
- commandLine = 'SetObjectTypeSpecs 0' 'SIZE' sz 'LEADING' ld 'WIDTH' wd 'OBLIQUE' ob
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- /* The color and font may contain spaces, so treat them separately. */
- GetObjectTypeSpecs Object.x COLOR
- commandLine = 'SetObjectTypeSpecs 0' 'COLOR' "'" || '"' || Result || '"' || "'"
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- GetObjectTypeSpecs Object.x FONT
- commandLine = 'SetObjectTypeSpecs 0' 'FONT' '"' || Result || '"'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- OTHERWISE ITERATE /* Ignore images (objtype.x = 1), groups (objtype.x = 8),*/
- /* draw class objects (objtype = 10) */
- /* and anything else we don't recognize. */
- END /* End select */
- /* Output command to rotate the object if needed */
- IF ( objRotate.x ~= 0 ) THEN DO
- commandLine = 'SetObjectRotation 0' objRotate.x
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- /* Output the command to set the objects title. */
- GetObjectTitle object.x
- commandLine = 'SetObjectTitle 0' '"' || Result || '"'
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', commandLine)
- /* Output a blank line */
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '')
- END /* End while */
- /* Output commands to select all the new objects. */
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'i = 0')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'DO WHILE (i < numobjs)')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'SelectObject objectid.i MULTIPLE')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'i = i + 1')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'END')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '')
- /* Output the command to redraw everything. */
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', 'Redraw')
- CALL LineOUt('GfxClipFile', 'GraphicTool')
- CALL LineOut('GfxClipFile', '')
- /* Close the file */
- CALL CLOSE('GfxClipFile');
- /* Reselect all of our objects */
- x = 0
- DO WHILE ( x < i )
- X = X + 1
- SelectObject Object.x MULTIPLE
- END /* End if */
- /* File could not be opened. */
- firstLine = '"Cannot open file <' || filename || '>."'
- ShowMessage 1 1 firstLine '"" "" "OK" "" ""'
- /* ============================================ */
- /* LineOut */
- /* Procedure to write a line out to the file */
- /* checking for errors and exiting if any found */
- /* ============================================ */
- PARSE ARG filehandle, str
- len = WRITELN( filehandle, str )
- IF (len ~= LENGTH(str) + 1) THEN DO
- ShowMessage 1 1 '"Error writing file!" "" "" "OK" "" ""'
- CALL CLOSE(filehandle);